Storyline Overview

*The entire storyline revolves around the journey to finding yourself and your own identity.

*Lieseil Inc. and Warhol Stars are powers that reign over the citizens over Obsidian Island, brainwashing everyone, and discouraging individuality in every way.

*These corporations have an eye on everyone and everything they do, and if you are not considered a model citizen by their standards, you are abducted and taken to the mental estate.

*Inside the mental estate, they treat their patients inhumanely, conducting experiments and operations to completely strip you of any dignity, making you weak, and gullible to their manipulation.

*In this world, the Bastards are sick of all the brainwashing. They fight back against the corporations of Lieseil Inc. and Warhol Stars, in the hopes of creating a better world for the citizens of Obsidian.

*They form the revolution, fighting back everyday for a brighter future.

*The revolution is not a simple task. With the help of the soldiers of the royal council who join them in the revolt, they have the power to ultimately reform the land.

*With this storyline, the Bastards teach us that everyone has their own struggles and their own journey to finding who they truly are, but the journey is so worth it.

*Protect yourself from our toxic society. Don’t let your rights be stifled. The fight is worth it in the end.

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