You’ll Be Fine

*In this song, the Bastards are speaking to themselves.

*They are now self-aware of any poor choices/coping mechanisms – ‘you’re so damn hypnotised’.

*Throughout the song, they are basically telling themselves that their lives will get better, although it may be hard now, Lieseil won’t have control of them forever – ‘tonight, I find a better peace of mind’.

*’But you don’t hear a word I say’ – refers to how hard it is to change bad habits, such as substance abuse. Although you want to change, your mind and body seem to be in conflict.

*’You want to pretend the voice you hear is not in your head’ – this lyric discusses the opposite sides of the brain, and that a part of them wishes that they didn’t change their ways.

*Overall, this song is a positive message to the band that they’ll be alright in the end.

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