
  • The title is a direct reference to Lieseil, since Bartholomew White is Lieseil’s birth name. The phrase ‘white lie’ is a common idiom, which ties to Lieseil’s excessive lies and manipulation.
  • ‘Lies, your dirty lies’/’The white lies you told’ – direct reference to Lieseil’s lies, and Palaye’s resentment to them.
  • ‘Don’t be so scared to be yourself’ – a message to the citizens of Obsidian (who are still under the controlling reign of Lieseil and Warhol), and Palaye trying to get the citizens to join the revolution.
  • ‘Happy alone’ – a quotation used by emerson, seen in some of his art in the Introvert Collection.
  • ‘My black soul turns to white’ – Palaye leaving Obsidian Island when Lieseil manipulates them with his lies, therefore becoming white, and on his side – links to the colour theory.

‘She’s just the woman that keeps me warm at night’ – link to Mrs Infamous, who keeps Palaye/Remington content by giving him hope and fulfillment.

  • ‘Children with white flags in the air’/’and I’m so scared’ – children surrendering to Lieseil, and Remington/Palaye being fearful that the island will remain under Lieseil/Warhol’s control.
  • ‘Take my money but not my soul’ – offering money as a truce to Lieseil, so Lieseil doesn’t further manipulate Remington/Palaye, and strip them of their individuality. This is also the last line in the album, which means that it could be a last resort out of desperation. Similar to All My Friends and Where is the Boom.
  • It is also a direct counterpart to Lord of Lies.

Lieseil character – http://obsidianarchives.net/characters/bartholomew-lieseil/

Introvert art collection – http://obsidianarchives.net/art/introvert-collection/

Colour theory – http://obsidianarchives.net/symbols/colour-theory/

Mrs Infamous – http://obsidianarchives.net/characters/unnamed-female-characters/

All My Friends/Where is the Boom analysis – http://obsidianarchives.net/songs/boom-boom-room-side-a/all-my-friends/ http://obsidianarchives.net/songs/boom-boom-room-side-a/where-is-the-boom/

Lord of Lies analysis – http://obsidianarchives.net/songs/the-bastards/lord-of-lies/

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