Core Symbols

*Although there are over 200 individual symbols in the cipher, there is a base alphabet which has been dubbed the ‘core symbols’. These 24 symbols make up each cipher character, and each cipher symbol is merely a combination of core symbols.

*Core symbols are (generally) single-stroke characters, and each core symbol represents 1-3 different letters of the alphabet. Additionally, multiple core symbols can represent the same letter.

*The full list of core symbols is below (read the notes under the list as the list is currently incomplete):


*Some letters are missing – b, f, k, q, z (LAST MINUTE EDIT – the double backslash symbol ( \\ ) stands for the letter ‘c’ as well)

*Some symbols (the three horizontal lines, the ‘s’ and the ‘2’ all represent more than one letter, however they have not been fully decoded yet.

*There is one symbol that is undetermined – we are unsure if this is a symbol in its own right or a combination of multiple symbols.

*This list is unverified – we have not had any confirmation from Palaye about this and all decryptions we post are merely predictions until we get verification. This means that the above list and possible decryptions may be incorrect, however they have been checked by one of our admins and they appear to be largely correct and fit with our theories.

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